The ride is about 30-45 minutes and it should cost 300-500,- CZK. We recommend using UBER or BOLT pricing is clear and it s absolutely safe to use. You only need a smartphone and download the app store.

You can book on web a taxi company I am cooperating with at this web page
and you will be there till 30 minutes. Payment just in cash (EURO or CZK) please.
The price could not be any better as we charge fixed price of 500 CZK / 20 EUR. Depending on the traffic the journey should take around 30 min. Normal taxi should cost around 750 CZK / 27 EUR but taxi drivers are known for taking advantage of the tourists so we would not recommend using them.
Don’t take taxi from the street, because it’s too much expensive!
The exchange offices at Prague Airport as well as train station have terrible rates. If you really need some CZK upon your arrival, it is better to go to Billa supermarket / Burger King / KFC and pay with EUR and receive change in CZK. Or ask the driver during driving to stop by ATM to withdraw some CZK without commission.
It’s easy to get to my apartment from Prague Airport. Take 119 bus (it leaves every 10 minutes) to the bus stop „NÁDRAŽÍ VELESLAVÍN“. There you will change the line from bus 119 to the tram 20 (direction “SÍDLIŠTĚ BARRANDOV“) to the tram stop “ÚJEZD”. It takes 50 minutes whole way. For the ride you will need long-term ticket, which is valid 90 minutes and costs 32 CZK. You can buy it with coins in the yellow automats or small news shops at the airport and don’t forget to sign it in the bus.

After arriving to the ÚJEZD tram stop you will see in the middle of tram stop street ŘÍČNÍ between 2 buildings – opposite of the park PETŘÍN. You will walk this street and after 200metres you will turn ride to the street Šeříková. You will find the house on the left side.
The house number is ŠEŘÍKOVA 565/8.
IMPORTANT – only look for blue numbers on the buildings, the house is number 8 and numbers go up from the bottom of the street. Red numbers (565) are only there to confuse you ☺

You can catch my Wi-Fi in front of the house.
Wi-Fi: APrague_3a
Password: Bewelcome8